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Title: Character Education Value Transformation of Pujawali Ngusabha Kadasa in Ulun Danu Batur Temple
Authors: Ni Made Sukrawati
Keywords: value transformation, character education
Issue Date: 24-Jun-2019
Publisher: Jour of Advanced Reseaarch in Dynamical and Control Systems
Abstract: Pujawali Ngusabha Kadasa was an annual routine ritual at Ulun Danu Batur Temple. The ritual shows Hindus religious traditions who still maintain local cultural system amid the strong penetration of the modern culture. The ritual’s survival and continuity indicated the transformation of the intergenerational character education value. The transformation of the character education value of Pujawali Ngusabha Kadasa in Ulun Danu Batur Temple takes place due to the strength of the religious ideology, being able to build a knowledge system and being able to maintain social harmony. The transformation of character education values included three dimensions of Hindu human character, namely sadhu, suputra, and gunawan. It has implications for knowledge, attitudes, and religious behavior. The character education value of Pujawali Ngusabha Kadasa in Ulun Danu Batur Temple included learn to know, learn to do, learn to be, and learn to life together as four pillars of UNESCO’s education.
ISSN: 1943-023X
Appears in Collections:ARTIKEL

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